Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The relationship between the Betel Leaves and Sri Lankan Culture

A sheaf of betel is associated almost with every important event and milestone of our lives.It is used in welcoming,showing reverence,communicating good and bad news and demonstrating social give and take. In the rural society even today a visitor to the house is made welcome by offering betel leaves from the tray.Sharing betel is a sign of companionship.The tray of betel leaves cuts across all social diatinictions and gives one equality.

                         In ancient times it was found in every household-rich or poor.It is also a sign of affection.One may prepare a chew for a relation or a friend as a token of companionshio.The betel is offered by the young to the elders as a symbol of respect.A person would offer it with the stem away from one's self.Sometimes he may go down on his knees,once the sheaf is accepted.On the Sinhala and Tamil New Year's day it is customary for the young to offer a sheaf of betel to the elders and worship them.

                         The chief guest for a cultural function would be invited with a sheaf of betel.At a funeral hose the betel is arranged upside down on the betel tray.A student on his first day in school after the new year would offer a sheaf of betel and worship his or her teacher.Betel is significant in the performance of the Sinhala marriage customs.Relatives are invited for wedding with the betel leaf,like an invitation card.
                            At ceremonies when money is exchanged the money would be on a betel leaf or wrapped in it.This adds dignity to the deed.This is because till recent times Sri Lankan society held no respect for cash.In the past, Buddhist priests and Ayurvedic physicians were never offered money.

First Love

I decided to love
Don't ask who is
A brighter eye than the stars
A mischievousness than the wind
A voice that sweet more than music
A beautiful heart than the rain
A love that feel more than a dream
He is
A day come to near
The songs murmuring under the bowers
The kisses hide under the rain
It is not a dream
Don't ask is it eternal..

Monday, June 4, 2018


The balance in an ecosystem is also disturbed when one or more of its parts is damaged by pollution.Pollution occurs when substances that are harmful to living things contaminate the air,water or soil.

Such substances include poisonous chemicals,garbage and radioactive wastes.Even excess amounts of otherwise beneficial materials such as carbon dioxide can also be considered as pollutants.It is difficult to predict how pollution will ultimately affect Earth and its inhabitants,but it has already greatly affected human and environmental health.There are several types of environmental pollutions.They are,
    1. Water Pollution
    2. Air Pollution
    3  Land Pollution
    4. Noice Pollution



Time Time,
Take my hand and mind
And take me go back
As far as you can
Back through the field of 
The long ago me..

Childhood was my home
and home was light
and love and warmth
on a cold, dark night
And there at the heart
of home was me....

I wishpered secrets with my brothers
Laughed,fighted and cried,
Ran wild outdoors or stayed inside
when playing with them
Held safe in the arms of my family
The long ago me....

I was little then,
Now I am grown up
But I still love my sweet memories
My family,brothers,my own and 
stil at home in my heart are my family...

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Cancer is a disease caused by cells that have lost normal growth controls and that invade and destroy other tissues.Eventually,damage to vital organs caused by cancer may be fatal.A cancerous tumor is called a malignant tumor.
           Cells in almost any part of the body can become cancerous .When a cancer arises,it usually grows for a while in the part of the body where it began-sometimes for years.

           Eventually,however,some of the cancer cells may metastasize,or move to other parts of the body.The cancer cells often travel through the blood or lymph fluid and give rise to new malignant tumors.

Child Abuse

Child abuse refers to the mistreatment of children or adolescents.Child abuse can take the form of physical,emotional,or sexual abuse,as well as neglect.Though some children and adolescents are abused by people outside the family,more than 90% of child abuse is inflicted by family members.
           Many abused children and adolescents run away from home to escape the abuse.There are many reasons why parents abuse children.Personal problems such as lack of money,unemployment,or alchohol or drug abuse can make a parent angry and frustrated.some parents take out their frustration on their children.

           Abusive parents may not understand child development; they may expect more mature behavior from a child than is reasonable.When the child isn't able to perform as the parent expects,the parent may be come abusive.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

  Great  Eastern Philosopher's Statements

"When words are both true and kind.They can change the world"
                              《 Loard Gautama Buddha》

" Being deeply loved gives you STRENGHT ; loving deeply gives you COURAGE."
                                                    《 Lao Tzu》

"The journey of a thousands mile begins with a single step"
                                                     《 Lao Tzu》

"Everything has beauty,but not everyone sees it."                                      《 Confucius》

"The gift of truth excels all other gifts"
                             《 Loard Gautama Buddha》

"Study the past if you would define the future."                                    《 Confucius》

"Silence is a source of great strength"
                                                    《 Lao Tzu》