Wednesday, May 16, 2018

  Great  Eastern Philosopher's Statements

"When words are both true and kind.They can change the world"
                              《 Loard Gautama Buddha》

" Being deeply loved gives you STRENGHT ; loving deeply gives you COURAGE."
                                                    《 Lao Tzu》

"The journey of a thousands mile begins with a single step"
                                                     《 Lao Tzu》

"Everything has beauty,but not everyone sees it."                                      《 Confucius》

"The gift of truth excels all other gifts"
                             《 Loard Gautama Buddha》

"Study the past if you would define the future."                                    《 Confucius》

"Silence is a source of great strength"
                                                    《 Lao Tzu》


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