Saturday, April 28, 2018

Richer on spring


Twine vines - on trees
     With green....

Blowing wind - on nature
     With cold...

Sweet birds - on branches
     With aural songs.....

Bloomed campion - on earth
     With little aroma....

     Never seen......

Urban eye - on capital              
     With opulent......        

     only seen ...

Spring sale -  on complex  
     With huge noise....


Who rich - on spring
     With nature......

Thursday, April 26, 2018

If you want to watch this song Click here

It's very nice song. It has very creative video.This video help to increase its beauty. The singer has very powerful voice. The combination of his voice and video creat a strong wall for a song. As well as this video has a underlying meaning. You will feel at difficult when you try to understand this song and also video. It's relate to one story if Sri Lankan history. But they modify this story according to modern time. Really I love this song very much.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Build a Story for Paint..

Solias Mendis ( June 17 1897- September 1 1975) was a Sri Lnakan Artist who most famous of Buddhist temple paintings.Specially his most famous painting can be seen in the Kelaniya temple.Not only Kelaniya and also he began painting in other places. Before he began painting morals in Kelaniya temple he learned about painting under the most famous Indian Artist Nandala Bose. As well as he got influencefrom visit in the Ajantha Caves, Ellora and Bhag places of India.
            This painting is the one of his morals paintings. Each person has different imagination and idea. When lookat some paintings we cab creat imagination within our mind. These  imaginatioans or thoughts differ from person to person.  
              So I would prefer to mentioned my story which I creat. Considering the time duration of this paint it belongs to the old time.If I am going to that period I imagined this picture as a lovely cuple. They talking, hugging and spending lovely time. Their parents don't allowe to their love affair. So they meet after a long time. So they shared their all feelings, pains and happines within each other.
                Now I would like to come modern period. According to modern time duration I can creat very differ imagination rather than my earlier story. So I start to knitting strange story about this paint. This paint is to be a sister and brother. Sister help her brother to walk becausr he was a blind person. Often she take his brother walk and describe all the beautiful things in surround. And she helped him to get happy feelings and remove his all pains.
                  Like that we can creat many stories and imaginations about paint combine with our own perspective, ideas  and thoughts. Actually it is amazing tusk.



A pattern is created by using different kind of shapes. These kind of shapes combined and finally create  beautiful designs. We called it as " Pattern ". These pattern formed of geometric shaped or nature patterns. Such as spirals, waves, tiling, cracks and lotus flowers. These patterns often used in art such as wallpaper designs, roof designs, floor designs and also architecture.
                        Pattern of Art has long history in all over the world. It differ from country to country. In Sri Lanka this section has most valuable and great history. In ancient Sri Lankan designers often used such patterns for design to their creations. Specially in Buddhist culture and Hindu culture used it. When we look at Sri Lankan history we can see most of Buddhist temples and Hindu Deval used these patterns for decorate their architecture buildings.
                Specially in Ambekke devalaya used this patterns for create its wooden pillars. And Dambulla Viharaya used these patterns, specially Lotus flowers to design its cave roof and walls. Temple of Tooth Kandy, Seegiriya, Temple of Kelaniya such places are most famous for great history of art as well as architecture treats.
                      So now I would like to explain about my paint. When I create it I based on it both geometric and  nature shapes. Mainly I focused several shapes like that circle, lines, triangles, lotus flowers and lotus leaves. When I create whole my paint I used this shapes again and again. In Sri Lankan Art history these shapes have local names. I would like to mentioned local shapes names that I used for my paint.

When create such paints we should give our entire attention and endurance for get its real beauty.

Forbidden Paradise

I wish to create a good paradise
Allow to live only good, honest and love
Forbid for worst, cheat and cruel
Then I try to find suitable peoples for my paradise
Unfortunate is I couldn't find any people for my paradise
How many people live in this world?
But why I couldn't find even one person for my paradise?
I bewildered and thought..
Then my mind asked a question for my self
Am I a perfect person?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Kanniya Hot Water Springs..

The Kanniya hot water springs are located in Trincomalee district Sri lanka.It is about 6 km from the Tricomalee town.



        There are 7 wells with different temperature.Those wells are built into square shape. These wells are 3-4 feet deep and we can clearly see the bottom.

If you visit this place you can see people poured buckets of the water over their head.Because they believe that if they bathe from these wells their lifetime will become increase.
                      And also this place has a history dating back to Ramayan period.According to the legend these springs created by Raavana.
                       As well as this place is an ideal place for sellers.There are lot of stalls situated here with different kind of goods. This place has been able to attract lot of local people and foreigners.







Thursday, April 5, 2018


Leave me along
Don't come with me
I fed up with exams



It is amazing song.At the very beginning they attract my entire attention.And they keep it till the end.As well as they continuesly keep the link between them and the choir marster.They didn't take their eyes off him till the end of a song.It is perfect singing.And also the combination between singing and music like a golden thread.In the sense of the word it is beautiful.I suppose that anyone can't easy to find its shortcomings.I love this song very much.