Monday, April 23, 2018

Build a Story for Paint..

Solias Mendis ( June 17 1897- September 1 1975) was a Sri Lnakan Artist who most famous of Buddhist temple paintings.Specially his most famous painting can be seen in the Kelaniya temple.Not only Kelaniya and also he began painting in other places. Before he began painting morals in Kelaniya temple he learned about painting under the most famous Indian Artist Nandala Bose. As well as he got influencefrom visit in the Ajantha Caves, Ellora and Bhag places of India.
            This painting is the one of his morals paintings. Each person has different imagination and idea. When lookat some paintings we cab creat imagination within our mind. These  imaginatioans or thoughts differ from person to person.  
              So I would prefer to mentioned my story which I creat. Considering the time duration of this paint it belongs to the old time.If I am going to that period I imagined this picture as a lovely cuple. They talking, hugging and spending lovely time. Their parents don't allowe to their love affair. So they meet after a long time. So they shared their all feelings, pains and happines within each other.
                Now I would like to come modern period. According to modern time duration I can creat very differ imagination rather than my earlier story. So I start to knitting strange story about this paint. This paint is to be a sister and brother. Sister help her brother to walk becausr he was a blind person. Often she take his brother walk and describe all the beautiful things in surround. And she helped him to get happy feelings and remove his all pains.
                  Like that we can creat many stories and imaginations about paint combine with our own perspective, ideas  and thoughts. Actually it is amazing tusk.

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