Thursday, May 17, 2018


Cancer is a disease caused by cells that have lost normal growth controls and that invade and destroy other tissues.Eventually,damage to vital organs caused by cancer may be fatal.A cancerous tumor is called a malignant tumor.
           Cells in almost any part of the body can become cancerous .When a cancer arises,it usually grows for a while in the part of the body where it began-sometimes for years.

           Eventually,however,some of the cancer cells may metastasize,or move to other parts of the body.The cancer cells often travel through the blood or lymph fluid and give rise to new malignant tumors.

Child Abuse

Child abuse refers to the mistreatment of children or adolescents.Child abuse can take the form of physical,emotional,or sexual abuse,as well as neglect.Though some children and adolescents are abused by people outside the family,more than 90% of child abuse is inflicted by family members.
           Many abused children and adolescents run away from home to escape the abuse.There are many reasons why parents abuse children.Personal problems such as lack of money,unemployment,or alchohol or drug abuse can make a parent angry and frustrated.some parents take out their frustration on their children.

           Abusive parents may not understand child development; they may expect more mature behavior from a child than is reasonable.When the child isn't able to perform as the parent expects,the parent may be come abusive.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

  Great  Eastern Philosopher's Statements

"When words are both true and kind.They can change the world"
                              《 Loard Gautama Buddha》

" Being deeply loved gives you STRENGHT ; loving deeply gives you COURAGE."
                                                    《 Lao Tzu》

"The journey of a thousands mile begins with a single step"
                                                     《 Lao Tzu》

"Everything has beauty,but not everyone sees it."                                      《 Confucius》

"The gift of truth excels all other gifts"
                             《 Loard Gautama Buddha》

"Study the past if you would define the future."                                    《 Confucius》

"Silence is a source of great strength"
                                                    《 Lao Tzu》


What Will Happen Humans Without Water?

Water is so vital that it is rare to live for more than 10 days without water, even though you could live several weeks without food.When the amount of water taken in, you are in state of dehydration.A prolonged state of dehydration can lead to kidney failure and death.Dehydration can occur as a result of heavy physical activity or an illness that includes throwing up,diarrhea,or fever.Drinking too much alcohol or eating a high-protein diet can also cause dehydration.
        We ingest water by drinking fluids and by eating.Many foods contain large amount of water.Some fruits and vegetables,such as lettuce and watermelon,are over 90% water.You need to consume at least 8 to 10 cups of water per day.If you are very active or live in a very hot climate,you wil need more to keep your body functioning properly.

Dehydration: a state in which the body has lost more water than has been taken in.

Successful Marriage

The most important ingredients two people can bring to a marriage are love and respect.Marriage often involves putting the other person's needs before your own and making difficult sacrifices for the sake of your spouse's happiness.It takes a great deal of love and respect to do these things.
      A third factor needed for a successful marriage is emotional maturity.The decisions you make when you are married affect not only yourself, but your spouse as well.What if a certain job you want involves moving across the country? whta if you want to have children, but your spouse doesn't if he or she wants them? The ability to compromise is one of the most important tools anyone can bring to a marriage.

       Another ingredient is that makes marriage successful is the ability to communicate effectively.Two people who are in a lifelong partnership must be able to tell each other how they are feeling and what they are thinking.As they do in all relationships,conflicts will invetitably arise in marriage.People who are in a good marriage able to resolve these conflicts through communication and respect. 

References: Sirikatha Sinhala                 Magazine


Many people will walk
in and out of your life
But only true friends
will leave footprints 
in your heart..


The internet is a source of knowledge.It is ofbvery recent origin.However the influence it has on society is immeasurable.The scope is very wide.It is known the world over.It is easily accessible to everyone.
       Knowledge has got a new dimension with the introduction of the internet.An internet user has access to a lot of knowledge and information.A book for example is read serially one sentence after the other.Letters are written horizontally or vertically.
       If we want to read a book and listen to music at the same time,we have to use two seperate source fo that.But the internet has brought the two together for us.You must have seen people working at the computer listening to music.
      When producing a book,the weight and size play an important role.That is why dictionaries and enxyclopedias come in volumes.we will not be able to lift one if they are produced as a singke work.The internet has no 'weight'unlike a book which is heavy and so with the 
network,there is no 'bulk'.We can get what we want to at a click.
       The language that is most used on the internet is English.The internet was first started as a research project if the Department of Defense of the USA.

        The internet provides an immense source of knowledge, through search sites such as Google,Wikipedia,Yahoo etc..
However there are certain disadvantages in the internet.No one is responsible for the information or the quality of information.There is no source for this information.There is no authority or authorship responible.

Functions of Water in the Body..

1. All body functions are the result of chemical reactions.Most chemical reactions in the body can occur only in a water medium because substance disolve in water.

2. The speed at which some of these chemical reactions occur is affected by how acidic body fluids are.water helps maintain acidity at the proper levels.

3. Water is a product of the chemical reactions that supply energy to drive your body processes.

4. Water in body fluids provides a medium to trnasport gases,nutrients,and waste products throughout the body.

5. Water helps regulate body temperature.water loss through perspiration helps cool the body.

References: Mawbima News Paper

What Happens When You Sleep?

It may seem as though your body shuts off completely while you're asleep.This is not totally off the track,because your breathing and heart rate do slow down temperature drop slightly.But at the same time,your brain continues to recognize outside information,so it remains about as active,in a different way, as it is when you're awake.
         It exhibits this activity in the form of brain waves,or electrical changes that take place waves,scientists have been able to recognize the different stages of sleep,and what goes on in the brain during each phase.

Why We  Need Exercise?


We have probably heard all about how good execise is for us.It can help develop our muscles and lose weight.We may not realize is that regular exercise helps us cope better with the stress and anxiety we probably face every day,and that it greatly increases our energy level.It can even help us avoid some serious diseases later on in life.

       Some people like to exercise more than others.If we're the wide reciever on our school football team, we will have an easier time figuring out how to be physically active than if we hate the thought of lacing up a pair of sneakers.
        Walking for half an hour before supper,or biking to school instead of taking the bus, is often enough to give your body the exercise it needs.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Book Review of  ' Samukka' Novel

Title: Samukka
Author: Jayani C.Pinnawale
Translated to into English: Edmond                            Jayasuriya

Now samukka novel is translated into English.The author has attempted to tread on a new path to bring out a valued perspective to the attention of youth.The message is for youth to build character, while transcending from conventional thought, however deep and manifested, so as to build one's life, with an enlightened mind and thereby, acquire value for one's self and society.
           It is her long experience in serving in many capacities in the Sri Lanka Administrative service and exposure that promoted her to attempt to stress this point for serious consideration to the youth of today,for they play a positive role in society.
            Samukka is a novel woven around a youth named 'Wickrama'who deplores conventional way of life.He is the only child of Tittawelas, a wealthy aristrocratic family living,in suburbs of Colombo.From his childhood Wickrama creates a secluded life of his own, He spends most of the time in his room reading and when in school, in the library.


Tropical rainforests are located around the equator.The temperature around the equator is high.Hence the rate of water evaporation is high.As a result there is frequent rain in rainforests.
       They are found in South and Central America,Africa,in the islands around Australia and Asia.The rainforests are important to human existence and the surroundings.

         Rainforests are a rich source of medicinal plants, food and useful forests products.They maintain about 50% of the plant, animal,bird,reptile and insect species of the world.These forests help to maintain a regular rainfall.They also stand as buffer against floods,droughts and eroision.These forests produce a significant amount of the world's oxygen.

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Textile Industry

Spinning was a cottage industry in many lands.Kuveni was spinning when prince Wijaya landed in Sri Lanka.Weaving was a domestic industry in England too, till the invention of the flying shuttle and the spinning Jeny.
                 These inventions simplified the use of machine.It could now be worked by power.It brought a tremendous change on human life, in terms of speed and volume..The modern textile technology has influenced the ready-made garment industry in Sri Lanka. Factories have been set up in cities and rural areas, providing employment for both men and women.Mostly young rural women have taken up employment in these

factories.Ready-made garment are exported to America, United Kingdom, France and other European countries.Fashion shows in modern trends are held in leading cities all over the world to promote the garments produced in Sri Lanka.The industry has become a leading foreign exchange earner for Sri Lanka.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Enter to my heart
without my permission
But try to
hiding from my eyes
At once wander 
in my whole heart
But there..
only shed tears
escape frome me
Why such a cruel
My pretty mistress


Dreams take us so far
May be it's become a real
Ever dreaming about only one dream
Which we can make a true
on the courage
The day will come
These dreams come true



Embroidery is the addition of pattern or other ornamental effect,to textiles by the use of the needle and thread.The wonder is that Kantha embrodidery uses only the simplest of stitches, the running stich.
                      The state of Bengal is famous for Kantha art.Kantha actually means ' embroidered quilt' .The embroidered quils of Bangalore are wonderful in their beauty, colour and design.
                       The Sanskrit word ' Kantha' means' rags'.It is a cottage industry, and is also a form of folk art.There are two types of embroidery.In one the old,discarded cotton sarees or dhotis are part one on top of the other and are quilted and embroidered.The other is quilted by using discarded cotton bedspreads.

                        The colours used for this embroidery are black, deep blue and red.These colours stand for the three basic aspects of nature-earth, sky and space.The designs used are of lotus flowers,creepers, foliage, floral scrolls and animal and human figures.
                        Today the Kantha embroidery is famous all around the globe.The old Kantha designs are priced possessions now.They are found on sleek shawls, sarees and bags.The village women spend a great deal of time and care in getting the perfect designs.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Sri Dalada Perahera

  • Dalada Perahera is considered the oldest cultural event with an unchequered history in the world,going back to more than 2200 years.
  • Dalada Procession has first commenced during the reign of King Kirthi Sri Megawanna( Kithsirimewan)(303-333 AD).
  • This Procession is considered even as a world heritage.
  • The rites of the perahera commence with the plantaion of kap in four Devalas on the day prior to amavaka moon day ( two week prior to full moom day) at an auspicious time fixed by the Nekath Mohottala ( Royal Astrologist).
  • Thereafter they prepared kap plant and plant them within the premises of devalas.They conduct the kap procession for a period of five days.
  • On the sixthday the Kumbal Perahera parades the street in which the Peramune Rala first rides on the Royal tusker while holding Perahera Ola Leaf Book in his hand.
  • The following day Randoli Perahera parades the streets.Randoli mean the golden palanquin which had been used for the purpose of escorting the Relics of Buddha.
  • Generally they are made with golden and silver and jewels embedded therein.
  • Randoli perahera commences with the gun salute and four devala perahera start first.
  • Thereafter the Kariyakarawana Rala ( Chief Monitoring Officer) informs the Diyawadana Nilame the commencement of devala perahera.
  • Thereafter he informs the monks officiating in the shrine to take out the caskets enshrined with Relics of The Blessed One and Arahant Seevali Thero.
  • Then they make arrangements to place the two caskets in the palanquins fixed on the back of the tuskers.
  • In the pageant whip crackers go first and thereafter a large number of Kandyan dancing groups perform on the street.
  • Therafter Peramune Rala rides on a tusk with the Perahera Ola Leaf Book.
  • Next who rides on a tusker is the Gajanayaka Nilame( Officer in charge of elephants) with the silver goad.
  • The Kariyakarawana Rala the chief Monitoring Officer also ride on a tusker.Subsequently three elephants lined up in order parade in the procession.
  • The next item is the most important and relavant one. The Majestic Tusker strides in a most dignified and majestic manner carrying the golden palanquin in which the relics of The Blessed One is placed.
  • That tusker is Caparisoned in a colourful costume decorated with beads and sequins, carrying the Tooth Relic.
  • Generally around the one hundred caparisoned elephants take part in the procession among thousands of torch bears, traditional drummers, fire- juggling acrobats, musicians.
  • Thereafter the tuskers with image of four Gods in four devals parade in the order of Natha Devala, Vishnu Devala, Kataragama Devala and Paththini Deavala.
  • Sri Dalada procession ends with diyakapana ceremony ( water cutting ceremony) which takes place in the early morning of the day after the final Randoli pageant at the historic Getambe Diyakapana Thota ( water cutting ferry)  in the Mahaweli River.
Referances: Book of Sri Dalada
                       Wijedasa Rajapaksha

Unkown Princess

Sometimes dance
before my eyes
Play for my silent heart
Doesn't make any sound
I don't know
Who are you?
Unknown Princess

Kap Planting Ceremony of Sri Dalada Pageant

  • Generally a virgin milk tree( a tree which has not produced any fruit) is selected to make use for the kap ceremony.
  • And in the first place after cleaning around the tree and it is bathed with fragrance water and smoke.
  • Thereafter Kapurala of devalas invite that if any God is living in that tree to leave it since they would cut the tree on the following day for kap planting ceremony.
  • Earlier they had used a branch of an Esala tree and now they use a branch of Jak tree or Rukaththana tree.
  • Kapurala of four main devalas bedecked with thier official dress bathe the part of that branch with milk, honey and turmeric water and further wrap a coconut flower at one end with a white cloth.
  • Thereafter they plant them within the premises of devalas.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

(poem about social issues)


I am quietly see
My feelings got frozen
Difficult to find face of glee
My heart is pounding at a dozen

I wander through all streets
To find the heavn which I saw last
I try to bear wind of heat
Everything change arrow of fast

Extinguish unbearable tears
Devil's night slowly creep
Even a minute run with fears
Rising poor harlots weep

Everywhere seem like a hell
Who claws fotune and time?
Spread evil like a well
Who responsible for these crime?

Heard curse,ban and sigh
Cover dark shadow of crown
How to bear paupers cry
Couldn't overcome power of unknown

My feelings are crowd
My mind is screaming
My mind is loud
My mind is weeping

Tuesday, May 8, 2018



I have lot of dreams
Various & colourful dreams
In my sleep I paint & fly through my dreams
But hard to reach my dreams
Dedication & courage are shadows of the dreams
May be I'll can make my dreams come true..
May be my dreams will be a dream forever..
But I love my dreams ever
And I never stop dreaming


Martin Wickramasinghe also knowan as "කොග්ගල මහා පාඥයා" it means " Scholar of Koggala" and "à·„ෙළයේ මහා ගත්කරු" means "The Greatest Writter in Sri Lanka".
He was born in1890 at Koggala.Through his work that the modern Sinhala novel and short story came to maturity. At the age fuve he was taught Sinhala alphabet at home and in the village temple by monk.Then he was sent to an English school in Galle called Buona Vista.In two years he spent at the school but after his father's dead he returened his village and lost his inerest in schooling.Eventhough he couldn't get perfect education anyone couldn't dare his writting skill.He became a one of the greatest writers and most adorable character in Sri Lankan Literature.

   Madol Doova is one of his most popular novels and has now gone through eighteen impressions; it has already been translated into English, Tamil, Russian, Chinese, Bulgarian and Romanian. Among his other novels , perhaps the best known are the Gamperaliya (Uprooted)which catches the mood of Sinhala society in transition, with traditional ways and values experiencing the pressures of modernity. And also it is diferent kind of love story rather than others.Viragaya (Beyond Passion) when you read it definetly your eyes will fill with tears. And Bava Tharanaya which retells the life of the Buddha.He has written several books of literary criticism and of essay on sociological and cultural subject in both Sinhala and English.
                          Among his other novels the Madol doova,Gamperaliya and Viragaya whic are the novels I really love and ever remain in my memory. His other workes are , Karuvala gedara, kaliyugaya, yuganthaya, Ape Gama, Wahallu, Irangani, Hada Sakki Keema, Pawkarayata Gal Gaseema, Kalunika Seweema, Upanda Sita, Lay Bare the Roots, Revolution and Evolution, Buddhism and Culture, From the Cardle, Leela, Rohini.etc......
You can buy most of his workes from English translation and Tamil translation in Sri Lanka.

If you want to buy these books CLICK HERE

Monday, May 7, 2018

My Love

Anyone couldn't say how & where 
I met my love...
An unexpected moment 
I met my love...

The love I was looking for..

For a long time I locked my heart for love...
But only one can found the key unlock to my heart for love...

The love I was looking for..

Love gave me a new life
Change & paint my whole life

The love I was looking for..

I felt there is one who live in this world on behalf of me...
Without my love there is no life for me...

The love I was looking for..

Saturday, May 5, 2018



Water we can also known as the need of nature and people.Sri Lanka is lucky that we doesn't have to share water with any other country.But do you know now a days lot of countries have to buy water from other countries.So today natural resource of water became an econamic resource.If we concern to protect the natural environment of our country we can manage our water resources well.And also we must preserve the natural beauty.
                      Sri Lanka is called, 'the Pearl of the Indian Ocean'.Because of her natural beauty and shape.Water directly influence her beauty and shape. Without water there is no such beauty. Earlier I mentioned that we doesn't have to share water with others.Hence we able to manage our water resources and minimize environmental hazards.
                      Mainly we used water in two ways.Firstly allocate water to the environment and secondly to supply the human requirement of water for agriculture, industry, power generation and domestic work.Many people depend on river water for drinking,cooking,washing and various other uses. So we can get idea about value of water.water is a most valubale natural resource. Our responsibility is protect water for future we must give our entire attention for avoid water pollution and destroying environment.Then we can protect our water resources.Without water there is no life on the earth.

Friday, May 4, 2018


Long ago there were two brothers who lived in village.They known as Mahagamaya and Podigamaya.It means Mahagamaya is the eldest one and Podigamaya is the youngest one.They had a chena cultivation in the jungle and they took turns to keep watch on this cultivation.
                      Once it was Mahagamaya's turn to keep watch on the chena.Podigamaya noticed that when he turned home,he looked tired and feariness.Then podigamaya asked him if anything was happen."no" he said.But all days when Mahagamaya returned home Podigamaya noticed that his weakness and changes.A few days passed it was came to Mahagamay's turn to keep watch on the chena.That they podigamaya said him to, "Today I"ll stay at home".Then podigamaya was in chena.While night was creeping to chena he has to face fearful and strangeful incident.There was a big tigger approach to his hut.
                    Then he called to Podigamaya as thinking he was a Mahagamaya.So podigamaya act like a mahagamaya.Tigger came an open his packet of food and eat with glee.Then said him to fire a blaze.Afterthat he streches himself near the blaze and tell him to scratch and rub his body.So he didn't get to wink of sleep and he felt with very hungry.Podigamaya could find the reason of mahagamaya's weakness.
                     Nextday podigamaya makes a plan for teach him a good leasson.So he again go to chena as a mahagamaya.That day night was happen the same thing like other days.Tigger streches himself near the blaze and podigamaya scratches his body.In oder he started to sleep. Then podigamaya took a iron stick and threw it to blaze.After a few moment he got that heating iron stick and keep it on tigger's body.At the same time he was screaming painfully and ran away.So never again the tigger come to their chena.Then they keep to watch on the cultivation very happily.
                     This folk tale show us the podigamaya's stratergical knowledge.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Trinco Sky..

I supposed that trinco sky is very differ and colourful rather than sky in other places.Everyday I lookat trico sky as a my daily ritual.I have visited lot of places,stayed there and saw sky.But rather than such places tricomalee sky is very colourful.
       When you saw photographs you may not believe that it is real photograph of sky.Definetly you thought this is a paint.As well as at the same day you can see sunrise and sunset in here.It is very rare chance to can't see everyone in the island.
            So I would like to show my collection of trinco sky photographs.Everyday I take photos of sky.Beacaus I saw something special and beauty of trinco sky.I ever love beauty of trinco sky.